Generally held on the first Saturday of every month is our family game show day! This show features riders of all ages and skill levels demonstrating their skilled partnership with their horse while having fun in a supportive community!
Each show event has four classes: barrel racing, polebending, and two “fun event” classes that vary and are often themed with the month in which the show is held! The order of the events are not necessarily as they are listed here. Please verify at registration. While the focus of these classes are the sportsmanship and community, we do offer ribbons for places 1st-6th, as well as grand and reserve prizes for those who ride in 3 out of the 4 events and earn the most points at the end of each day. As an added bonus, if you are a member of the West Volusia Saddle Club, these points can also accrue to our fabulous end of year awards at our annual banquet! Points can be reviewed at every monthly meeting.
Don’t miss out on the fun!!
$9 each class for non-members
$7 each class for members
$5 grounds fee per rider
$3 per untimed exhibition
Don’t forget your WVSC Annual Membership is only $35 for an individual, $10 per additional family member, up to 6 total members of a household. Youth under age 18 must join with a parent or legal guardian. Applications can be filled out at any of our shows, or are available online here.
Riding divisions are determined by the age of the rider as of January 1 of the riding year:
Lead Line (must be lead in-hand by person 18 years or over and participant must be over 2 years old)
Small Fry: 8 years old and under
Juniors: 9-11 years old
Teen: 12-14 years old
Intermediate: 15-17 years old
Senior: 18-39 years old
Super Senior: 40+ years old
One horse may only be ridden in two divisions, with the exception of Lead Line. A single rider may bring multiple horses to compete on, but only one horse/rider combination may be eligible for end of day prizes.